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7 Cheap Exotic Pets

When considering adding a new pet to your household, the price might be something that plays a part in that decision. The price range of exotic pets can vary tremendously, from as low as $5 to thousands of dollars for rare or high-demand species. At first, some of these prices can seem ridiculous to some people. Here are the most affordable exotic animals for home.


Green Iguana

Iguanas are some of the most prominent victims of inadequate care for their presence as cheap animals in chain pet stores. Belief that they shouldn’t be sold there, especially if they will be displayed as tiny babies with no photos of the 4-7 foot adults. With their ridiculously low purchase price, people fail to realize that they require very expensive upkeep. They’ll need fresh vegetables prepared for them daily, a very large enclosure, expensive UVB/UVA lighting, and more.

Green Iguana


While chinchilla prices start at $100, their lesser-known look-alike, the degu, is about the same price as a gerbil. These exotics have high populations in the pet trade but not many people know about them. Still, being small rodents, they breed prolifically and can end up in animal shelters, so it would be a good idea to check there before purchasing one. Their upkeep is also not terribly expensive, being very similar to rat care in cost.



These tiny popular parrots are found everywhere. Their small size and downright cheap pricing will make them easy victims of impulse buying for 'ornamental purposes.' Parrots are actually very social so it is a bit of a conflict that these birds are so easy to acquire yet often don't get their welfare considered to the extent that people tend to give larger birds. Birds are also traditionally given not much space. There are many cheap small budgie cages available but they are often too small.



These bizarre-looking creatures are amphibians and they can be kept relatively inexpensively. One axolotl can be kept in a 10-gallon aquarium. They need (or require) no lighting, no heating, gravel, or fancy water. Just provide them with dechlorinated tap water or spring water and make sure to maintain their water quality with frequent water changes or decent filtration.


African Crested Porcupine

As other porcupine species are at least $1000, this stunning African porcupine is pretty inexpensive. Due to their size, they will need outdoor space or a place to roam indoors (and this can be a prickly venture if you are crammed in with them). This caging will obviously increase their expense.

African Crested Porcupine

Patagonian Mara

These strange deer-rodents that are actually closely related to guinea pigs and capybara are relatively common in the uncommon exotic pet trade, often being touted as good 'starter' exotics. When socialized, they can be quite affectionate and calm. It is recommended that they have an outdoor space.

Patagonian Mara


The price of the coatimundi is only the tip of the iceberg for this extremely active and playful raccoon relative. You will also need to construct a cage sturdy enough to hold this dexterous exotic pet and lay enrichment objects throughout the enclosure. Such a pet is time-consuming and new owners should have experience with exotics.



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