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7 Ways Product Labels Hide the Truth From Us


Being “cage-free” isn’t as good for the chickens as it seems

When we see labels like “free-range” or “cage-free” on egg cartons, we tend to think that chickens on such farms are living in 5-star hotel-like conditions. Unfortunately, it’s far from the truth. Those labels don’t really force farmers to let the birds roam free as much as they want (in fact, they can spend 5 minutes a day outside and still be considered “free-range”).

What’s worse, in this case, is that some cruel practices can be used, like cutting beaks or starvation of chickens to change their laying cycle. If you want to buy eggs from animal-friendly producers, you should look for those that participate in animal welfare certification programs.

Being “cage-free” isn’t as good for the chickens as it seems

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