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7 Facts About Anna May Wong


Her love of movies earned her a “curious” nickname

Growing up in Los Angeles, Wong wanted to take in as much of the burgeoning film industry as she could. She would routinely skip school to sneak into film shoots and watch everything the crew was doing, earning her a nickname along the way: C.C.C., or “Curious Chinese Child.”

“I would play hooky from school to watch the crews at work, though I knew I would get a whipping from my teacher, and later from my father, for it,” Wong said. “I would worm my way through the crowd and get as close to the cameras as I dared. I’d stare and stare at these glamorous individuals, directors, cameramen, assistants, and actors in greasepaint, who had come down into our section of town to make movies.”

Her love of movies earned her a

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