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Top 7 Mysteries of The World That Even Science Can’t Explain


Bigfoot Savage

Bigfoot is a larger, hirsute, apes-like creature that, according to eyewitnesses, predominantly found in jungle areas of the United States and northwestern Canada. Reaching 6-10 feet in height and weighing more than 500 pounds. The whole body covered with dark brown or light red hair. Eyewitnesses described them as having lager eyes, with a ridge-like brow bone resembling ape and a narrow forehead. Round top and hair, very similar to male gorillas. Big foot savage footprints left 24 inches long and 8 inches wide. It has five toes and is very similar to apes but other eyewitnesses and researchers say that the Bigfoot has 6-8 toes and that they are experiencing an unpleasant odor on their body.

Bigfoot Savage

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